Graphic Art / Printmaking

Our mission is to provide better education and promote the innovative ideas of the students in the field of Printmaking Art. The facilities and space for students to create their various qualitative art work in the class/studio. To provide education in printmaking practices though developing skills, creativity and imaginations by organising  seminars, workshops and discussions with professional artists with a diverse community of emerging artists, established artists, youth, and adults. We give importance on research and experimentation of various Printmaking mediums to introduce new contemporary techniques and execution of Art works.

Printmaking is a process that typically allows artists to make multiple original two dimensional works of art. Generally artist creates an image on a matrix made out of metal, stone, wood, or other materials. The matrix is then inked, and the inky image is transferred to a piece of paper, often with a press, to create an original print. There are four basic traditional processes are Relief, Intaglio, Stencil and Planography. In Odishan Art education Prinmaking introduced just before five to six decades ago. From 1957 all the traditional processes of Printmaking have been teaching also gradually we are practicing every mediums and techniques of them in experimental way. We create space where professional printmakers meet aspiring students that to encourage collaboration and the sharing of ideas. Through sharing materials, equipment, and studio space, students are also sharing technical skills, practical knowledge, and creative processes. We aim to prepare students to compete International, National and Regional Art competitions to win. Promote students to do higher education in top most universities and better career in India and abroad. By extending our programming to include exhibitions, classes, free workshops, and Art talks, we are able to reach beyond the Printmaking community and engage with the community as a whole.

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